Welcome to the Buttonbag community

Whatever your crafting passion – sewing, knitting, painting or recycled art, we would love you to share it with us and we’ll all inspire each other!

Simple starter kits

Easy-peasy sewing – these are the kits to choose for children who are just ready to start sewing. Buttonbag First Sewing Kits are ideal for little fingers, with no cutting and big, pre-cut holes. They are designed to teach children, aged about 4 years and up, the basic principles of sewing. The three different, colourful creatures are quick to make and sure to become favourite friends.

The Buttonbag Newsletter

Keep up to date with all the latest happenings at Buttonbag plus free projects, discount codes, recipes and lots of ideas for creating time. Don’t worry we will never share your details with anyone else.


Facebook community

We have created a community for all fellow crafters over on Facebook where we’ll be sharing tips, tricks, makes and projects together.


Free projects

ReCraft a jumper into a hot water bottle cover

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